Our 53rd Street store in Davenport is back open starting Monday, July 13! We are still waiting on a few employees’ tests results, but all employees working have tested negative and the store has been extremely deep cleaned. We are continuing to take every precaution to ensure our employees’ and customers’ safety and we are thrilled to be back open!
We were just informed that an employee at our 53rd Street location has tested positive for COVID-19. Throughout this whole process we have made every effort to ensure the health and safety of not only our employees, but our customers as well. Given this news, we are going to close down our 53rd Street location for a few days in order to deep clean the store again and give our employees time to get tested. Although, the Scott County Health Department is not requiring us to close this location due to this positive test, we feel it is the right thing to do in order to best serve the Quad Cities.
All other locations will remain open at this time and please continue to check here for more information on our 53rd Street store. Please understand that we are doing our very best to navigate these strange times and we greatly appreciate your understanding and support.