WQAD Breakfast with…

We were recently visited by the Good Morning Quad Cities team for a look inside how Whitey’s Ice Cream operates. On Thursday, June 22nd Jon Tunberg, who is the co-owner of Whitey’s with his brother Jeff, had “Breakfast With…” the team from WQAD News 8.

Jon took News 8’s Angie Sharp on a tour of the Whitey’s factory – more specifically the “coolest” room on the tour

Angie visited with our plant manager, Gary Neer, about the ice cream making process, his favorite items and how long he has been with Whitey’s:

There were several questions from viewers about Whitey’s and what we make, how we are growing, and more, which can be seen here:

Angie also had the chance to learn how to make a Dipper Chipper, the newest product line at our stores:

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